The brief was to extend a detached 1940’s house to provide a new family area, master bedroom and en-suite. The house appears unchanged externally when viewed from the front with the exception of an elegant 3- storey tower structure which appears to be tucked in behind the rear east corner of the existing house.
The extension is envisaged as three folded elements of varying heights; the lowest element, is the living room, a two storey element accommodates the kitchen, master bedroom and en-suite, and the three storey element contains a hidden study.
Upon entering the existing house it appears unchanged, the line of the hall wall is maintained into the new providing a continuous view from the front door to the rear garden whilst hiding the new living area. The extension of the understair wc emphasises this view while providing a curious nook, a study with a high level north facing window providing illumination & views to the sky. The transition into the new is marked by a double height void which draws light into both the existing and new areas of the house while clear and opaque glazing are used to define hierarchies of privacy between the spaces.
The upper internal courtyard further illuminates the kitchen and existing house. Two steps mediate between the kitchen and living which is at garden level. Full height glazing and one sliding door provide views and access via the lower courtyard to the south easterly garden.
The study takes reference from the tower house typology and upon arrival at the top of the hidden staircase a desk, level with the 2 storey roof, provides uninterrupted views over Dublin bay. The paving detail of the flat roofs is critical to hide the construction detailing and provide a flat surface.